Is sustainability the key to retaining top talent?

Research says…it could help! Creating an engaged workforce is great for business. It leads to more productivity and less turnover. Engaged workers feel a mental and emotional connection to their place of work.

So how do you create an engaged workforce? Some might suggest a beer fridge or a pool table, but research actually proves that engaging your employees in your social and environmental responsibility initiatives is a surefire way to help them feel more engaged in their work.

Check out these 5 statistics proving that sustainability initiatives are good for business. As Millennials and Gen Z become the majority of workers, it’s crucial that companies understand the priorities of these generations to avoid another great resignation.

  1. >50% of workers would take a pay cut to work for a more environmentally responsible company.

In fact, over 3/4 of millennials would choose a company that was more eco-friendly over a less responsible company that offered a higher salary. Money is important, but people want to give their valuable time to organizations whose values align with their own.


2. 64% of Millenials wouldn't accept a job if the company wasn't socially responsible.

Gone are the days when companies were allowed to stay silent during turbulent political and social events. Workers want to be associated with brands that will stand for the issues they care about and put their money where their mouth is.


3. 88% of Millenials say their job is more fulfilling when employers provide opportunities to make a positive impact.

Fulfilled workers don’t look for new jobs, it’s that simple!


4. 90% of people who work at “purpose-driven companies” report an increase in motivation and loyalty.

Additionally, 92% of people are more likely to recommend a job to a friend if they believe their company is purpose-driven.


5. Engaged workers are 17% more productive than their peers.

They are also 70% less likely to cause a safety incident, 41% less likely to be absent, and lead companies to be 21% more profitable.


The evidence is clear: Environmental initiatives create engaged employees. Engaged employees are good for business! Bringing sustainability into the workplace is the perfect way to prove that your values align with your employees’.

Sheeco specializes in creating and consulting on sustainable events as well as conducting corporate webinars on various topics of sustainability. Contact us today to learn more!


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