4 Ways to Host Sustainable Summer Cookouts and Make a Positive Impact

Summer is a time for friends, family, and delicious cookouts, but sometimes our summer BBQs can have a negative impact on the environment. By making a few simple changes, we can transform our gatherings into celebrations that reduce waste and protect our planet.

Continue reading to explore four practical ways to make your summer cookouts more sustainable and environmentally friendly!

1. Embrace Firework Alternatives

Fireworks are a traditional part of summer celebrations, but they contribute to noise pollution, release harmful chemicals into the air, and pose a fire hazard. Consider exploring alternative ways to celebrate without fireworks.

Engage your guests with fun activities like glow-in-the-dark games, sparklers, or a communal bonfire. By avoiding fireworks, you'll minimize the negative impact on the environment while enjoying a festive atmosphere.

2. Plan Your Food Mindfully

Food waste is a significant problem during cookouts, with excess food often ending up in the trash. To avoid this, plan your cookout menu thoughtfully. A handy tool like the Guest-imator on savethefood.com can help estimate the right amount of food based on the number of guests, preventing overbuying.

Remember, leftovers can always be packed up for guests to take home or repurposed into new meals. Be sure to refrigerate food after two hours! Also, offer plant-based options, which often have a lower carbon footprint, to help reduce the emissions of your event.

3. Say No to Single-Use Plastics and Balloons

Plastic waste is a major environmental concern, and cookouts tend to generate a lot of single-use plastic waste, such as plates, utensils, and cups. Thrift extra plates and cups, or opt for compostables made from paper or bamboo. Encourage guests to bring their own reusable water bottles to minimize the need for disposable plastics.

Additionally, say no to single-use balloons which become litter as they float away and become dangerous to wildlife. Explore fun and eco-friendly decoration alternatives like paper lanterns, local flowers, or homemade banners.

4. Choose Reusable or Thrifted Decorations

Creating a festive atmosphere doesn't require buying new decorations every time. Instead, opt for reusable or thrifted decor items. Visit thrift stores, creative reuse organizations, or ask a neighbor or friend for unique, secondhand decorations that add charm and character to any celebration.

You can also get creative with DIY projects using items you already have at home. Upcycled mason jars, repurposed fabric, and natural elements like flowers, leaves, and branches make for beautiful, sustainable decorations that can be used year after year.

By implementing these four simple tips, you can enjoy the summer while protecting our planet and inspiring others to do the same. We can create memorable moments and promote sustainability, one cookout at a time.

You can always elevate your event with a touch of sustainability! When you're ready to incorporate eco-consciousness into your next gathering, look no further than Sheeco Events. Contact us today to get started!


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